How to Prevent Snoring While Sleeping


According to statistics, 27% of the people snore at night over the world, and about 1.95 billion people suffer from snoring. Massive people are suffering from snoring, sleep apnea, insomnia and so on.

Snoring is a ubiquitous phenomenon, and most people are used to it, but they don't take it seriously. Some people regard snoring as a sign of good sleeping. In fact, snoring does harm to our health, because snoring will lead to sleep apnea repeatedly and it causes severe hypoxia in the brain and blood, resulting in hypoxemia, which induces hypertension, cerebral heart disease, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, and angina pectoris. Study shows that long-term snorers are often accompanied by sleep apnea syndrome, which occurs during the whole process of sleep and reduces oxygen in the blood.

What’s worse, apnea occurs when airflow is blocked due to snoring during sleep. If this time lasts for more than 2 minutes, the brain will die suddenly due to lack of blood supply. Snorers often wake up due to sleep apnea and will be unconscious for a while with rapid heartbeat, dizziness, and dark eyes. That’s why you need to pay enough attention to snoring.

How to prevent snoring while sleeping?

Method 1. See a doctor.

See a doctor first to rule out the cause of the narrowing or lesion of the airway. If there is a lesion in the nose or airway, it is recommended to go to the hospital for surgery or drug treatment.

Method 2. Lose weight and exercise more.

If you are not sick and still snore, you may be overweight and inactive. Obesity will make the pharynx narrower, and you need to stick to exercise to lose weight.

Method 3. Quit smoking, alcohol and espresso.

Tobacco, alcohol and espresso will make the pharynx and nasal cavity more relaxed. During sleep, the airflow hits the soft palate or nasal cavity, forming a whistle-like effect, resulting in snoring.

Method 4. Switch your sleeping position.

It’s recommended to sleep on the side for snorers. Why do people snore louder when they sleep on their backs? When lying on the side, the loose soft palate and the base of the tongue are not easy to sag into the airway, so the probability of snoring when sleeping on the side is relatively small, and the snoring is relatively light.

Method 5. Practice to strengthen the pharyngeal muscles.

Since the real source of snoring is the relaxed pharyngeal muscles, the most fundamental solution is to exercise the pharyngeal muscles to strengthen the muscles and make them firm and hard.

Here are some helpful tips on how to treat snoring by yourself:

  • Tongue practice. Try your best to stick out your tongue, retract it and stick it out as hard as you can, doing this for at least 200 repetitions at a time, until the throat feels sore.
  • Mouth practice. Without water, puff up the cheeks, then retract them, and repeat this cycle, doing at least 200 repetitions at a time, until the throat feels very sour. You can also do it with water.
  • Sweep the gums. Use your tongue to quickly sweep the gums on the outside of the teeth (cheek side), first lick the gums on the upper jaw, quickly sweep from left to right, then right to left, and do this more than 50 times at a time. Then lick the gums of the lower jaw in the same way until the throat feels sore.
  • Tongue rolling exercises. Press the tongue against the roof of the mouth, and roll the tongue back firmly, without leaving the roof of the mouth, for more than 50 times at a time, until the soft palate feels very sore.

Do these 4 exercises every day when you have time. When you exercised for the first time, you may feel the throat was very sore only after 50 strokes, which just proved that the muscles were very weak and needed to be exercised urgently.

Method 6. Use an adjustable pillow.

Some people find that raising the head when sleeping may help. So it’s recommended to use an adjustable pillow. ZAMAT adjustable memory foam pillow, which is accompanied with removable memory foam inserts so that you can simply adjust the height of your pillow to meet your needs.

Among the snorers, there are more men than women. According to some statistics, the ratio is 8:1. Since the amount of adipose tissue contained in the soft palate and tongue of men is significantly higher than that of women, and the total amount of soft tissue in the neck of men is on average 1/3 higher than that of women, and the muscle is thicker. The slack muscles in the neck deform the windpipe during sleep, and then you snore. Please follow the advice we give and keep exercising, and you can stop snoring when you sleep.